Doctor of Engineering, Honorary Professor at Wrocław University of Life Sciences
Long-term research and teaching staff member at the Faculty of Electronics of Wrocław University of Technology. In the years 1968-1989, democratic opposition activist, including 1982-1989 as a member of the Executive Committee of the underground organisation 'Solidarność Walcząca'. Lecturer at the Postgraduate School for Intelligent Power Networks. Author of dozens of scientific publications on telecommunications, industrial IT and political and economic issues. He has served several times as President of the Management Board of large commercial law companies, including in 1998 as President of the Management Board of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. He was chairman or member of many supervisory boards, including Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., Tauron PE S.A., KGHM PM S.A., PSE S.A., PTE Generali S.A., Alior Bank S.A. and scientific councils of research institutes. He has managed or participated in a number of major Polish and international economic programmes, particularly in the field of electricity. Currently, he is a member of the management board of a consulting company Global Investment Corp. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Ekoenergetyka- Polska S.A.