Today, from the perspective of the newly launched second decade of this century, it may seem like a distant vision. Because what is the current state of our planet? World economies are stuck in the clinch of civilization. They are torn between increasing energy demands and increasing pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible and minimize negative environmental impact. The clock is ticking, and there is not much time to carry out an energy revolution - even looking at the seemingly distant time horizon of 2050. Especially considering how stagnant and heavy are the modes of the economic machine that has been powered by fossil fuels for years. A machine burdened with numerous geopolitical, capital and social conditions.
However, anyone who would consider the inevitable energy transition to be the only challenge we face would be wrong. Over the last years of unrestrained consumption and predatory exploitation of the planet, we have managed to open many other fronts on which we will now fight for the future of the Earth and our health. The outcome of each of these struggles will affect the lives of all of us. We have to cross oceans filled with plastic. Fighting the gray and poisonous fog that covers hundreds of municipalities in Poland during the heating season, putting our lungs at risk. And also the fight for clean water, which may soon become a scarce good, not widely available, which we often forget without much thought when turning on the tap.
This is a pessimistic vision. But it should not be a reason for resignation and doubts about the sense of pro-ecological activities. On the contrary: it should be treated as a call to battle. An impulse to make the effort and save what you can while minimizing negative effects. Save as much as possible of the world that is our home.
We believe that everyone has a role to play in this fight. Because everyone - no matter how much they consume or segregate waste, drive old diesel, live in the countryside or in a big city - can improve the world around them, make it a bit better. Sometimes a little change in habits is enough. Sometimes decisive action: switching to a plant-based diet, giving up the car, investing in an ecological source of heat. There are two foundations at the heart of all these initiatives. These are awareness and commitment. Together, they create the most beautiful and energetic mixture that can push the found world onto new and better tracks.
And we encourage you to cultivate these attitudes by presenting the first Polish Climate Report TOGETAIR. We are proud to hand it over to you, believing that you will find answers to the most important questions that we must ask ourselves - as humanity - while looking for a way to a better, green future. On the pages of the Report you will find not only in-depth analyzes of experts, scientific studies signed by leading Polish professors, but also multi-threaded essays, summaries full of facts, charts and figures, and examples of good practices: both from the world of business and local governments.
We believe that each of the more than 120 articles will bring something valuable to your life. For some, it will be a starting point and a kind of a signpost on the "new, green road". For others, it will prove to be an impulse to ask more questions and follow your own path. The main thing is not to stand still. Today we cannot afford inertia and inaction in the face of the challenges we face.
List intencyjny dotyczący inauguracji Polskiego Multimedialnego Raportu Klimatycznego
Najważniejszym wyzwaniem stojącym obecnie przed ludzkością jest zapobieżenie globalnej katastrofie klimatycznej. Naukowcy są zgodni, że to działalność człowieka spowodowała obecny kryzys klimatyczny i że społeczność międzynarodowa powinna niezwłocznie podjąć działania, aby powstrzymać dalsze zmiany klimatu i dostosować się do tych, które już wpływają na naszą codzienność.
Małopolska jest pionierem w działaniach antysmogowych oraz zmierzających do powstrzymania zmian klimatycznych w kraju, a Kraków - pierwszym miastem w Polsce z obowiązującym całkowitym zakazem spalania węgla i drewna. Efektem tego działania jest spadek w ciągu 7 lat poziomu pyłu PM10 o ponad 45% i benzo(a)pirenu o ponad 42%. Od bieżącego roku Małopolska jest także pierwszym województwem w Polsce, gdzie funkcjonuje zakaz finansowania ze środków publicznych zakupu kotłów na węgiel. Pracujemy też z kolejnymi gminami nad wyeliminowaniem używania węgla w perspektywie do roku 2030.
Nie ma wątpliwości, że należy jak najszybciej podejmować kroki w kierunku odejścia od paliw kopalnych, a jako alternatywę należy wykorzystać odnawialne źródła energii, przede wszystkim potencjał fotowoltaiki, pomp ciepła i energii wiatru. Wykonanie tych zadań na poziomie regionalnym zapewni w Małopolsce realizowany od stycznia bieżącego roku program LIFE IP – „Wdrażanie Regionalnego Planu Działań dla Klimatu i Energii”. Transformacja energetyczna regionu staje się naszym priorytetem na najbliższe lata.
Dlatego z radością przyjąłem informację o przygotowywaniu Polskiego Multimedialnego Raportu Klimatycznego oraz zaproszenie na Szczyt Klimatyczny TOGETAIR 2021. Wierzę, że nasze działania przyczynią się do zachowania dla przyszłych pokoleń przynajmniej takiego środowiska, jakie sami zastaliśmy.
Tomasz Urynowicz, Deputy Marshals of the Małopolska Region:
Dear Sir/ Madam,
there is no turning back from the energy transformation. At PKN ORLEN, we are aware of the challenges associated with such a transformation, and we know how to respond to them. The changes direction chosen by us is set out in the ORLEN2030 strategy, in which we strongly emphasise increasing energy efficiency and the development of zero- and low-emission energy sources. The projects implemented in this area by us will build both the value of the ORLEN Group in the coming years and its position as a leader in energy transformation in Central Europe, which will become emission-neutral by 2050.
In the strategy, we have declared a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions from the current refining and petrochemical assets and 33% CO2/MWh from electricity production by 2030. It is our intention to fulfill this obligation by investing over PLN 25 billion in the implementation of over 60 projects increasing the energy efficiency of existing production assets. In new refining and petrochemical projects, we will use the best and most emission-efficient technologies.
The development of low- and zero-emission energy is primarily perceived by us through the prism of investments in wind power. The construction of an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea with a total maximum capacity of 1.2 GW is our key project. We plan to put it into service in 2026. In the first months this year, PKN ORLEN also purchased the Kanin onshore wind farm in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship from two foreign investment funds. The wind farm could so far as to produce up to 50 GWh of energy annually. We also obtained the approval of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection for the acquisition of three onshore wind farms operating in Pomerania. The combined capacity of the Kobylnica, Subkowy and Nowotna farms is approximately 90 MW. We plan to finalize this transaction in April.
Furthermore, we will invest in photovoltaics. We and Energa belonging to the ORLEN Group will build a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of approx. 100 MW in the commune of Przykona.
Our activities are involved in the development of alternative fuels, as well. We assume that by the end of this year, 150 charging stations will be operating in the ORLEN network, while by 2030 - in accordance with the strategy - as many as 1,000 such stations. We consistently strengthen our competences in the area of hydrogen, being aware that this technology is the future of the automotive industry. Our work has intensified in this area by building a hydrogen hub in Włocławek. We are also planning such an investment in Płock. Furthermore, we are developing hydrogen technologies at ORLEN Południe in Trzebinia. We have also signed over a dozen agreements with local governments, which are potential recipients of hydrogen.
Our activities will allow PKN ORLEN to take full advantage of the new opportunities resulting not only from the global and European climate policy, but also from corporate social responsibility. We are already combining innovative, sustainable development with social, economic and local conditions due to the fact that we see the need to accelerate the clean energy transition.
The priorities we have adopted will be the subject of debate and discussion by experts participating in the TOGETAIR 2021 Climate Summit. This is an important event that is an impulse for positive changes related to the climate and environmental protection in Poland. The undoubted substantive value of the summit will be enriched by the "Polish Multimedia Climate Report TOGETAIR 2021", which is a specific compendium of knowledge about the activities of Polish enterprises in this field. I encourage you to read it.
Józef Węgrecki, Member of the Management Board for Operations at PKN ORLEN