How in a globally connected world to stop the growth of CO2 emissions from transport and not stop the economy?

Over 13 years - this is how many statistic vehicles that drive on Polish roads have on their account. With such a result, we are far from the ecological leaders of clean, green transport. Electric or hybrid cars are still rare in Poland and give way to the most popular drives, mainly gasoline and diesel engines. Worse still, many of these cars first hit the roads at a time when strict exhaust emission standards were out of the question. This is bad news for our lungs, which are exposed to the harmful effects of exhaust fumes. Will the development of electromobility be the answer to this problem? What to do to make it spin for good? And how to green transport, not only road transport, but also air, sea and rail transport, which is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world?


List of articles

Necessity to reduce emissions in the transport sector

We need to diversify and green the transport sector, which today is dominated by road haulage. This will require the development of railways, recognised by the EU as one of the least carbon-intensive sources of transport, and a shift to low- and zero-emission vehicles. The viability and profitability of developing inland waterway transport should also be considered.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

It is time to transform transport in Polish agglomerations

Limiting vehicle traffic in city centres is a necessary step to overcome smog. Regulations are needed to allow local governments to better control which vehicles are permitted to be allowed on the streets. The current instruments introduced by the act on electromobility and alternative fuels, i.e. clean transport zones do not work well.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Polish electromobility needs support

The transport sector in Poland is currently facing a number of serious challenges. The vast majority of the fleet consists of aged internal vehicles powered with fuel, and the market share of zero-emission vehicles is still below that of most European Union Member States. However, the potential of Polish electromobility is very significant. According to forecasts, in 2025, Polish roads will be able to handle up to 317,000 electric vehicles. However, it is necessary to introduce appropriate legislative changes and implement an effective system of co-financing zero-emission transport.

Data dodania: 20.04.2021 r.

On the way to climate neutrality – the electromobility as a tool of the mitigation of the climate change

Bez istotnych zmian w sektorze transportu nie uda się osiągnąć unijnych celów w zakresie neutralności klimatycznej w 2050 r. Zarówno jako Polska, jak i UE musimy jak najszybciej podjąć działania w celu przyspieszenia redukcji emisji zanieczyszczeń (w szczególności gazów cieplarnianych) z transportu drogowego. Jednym z potencjalnych narzędzi wspierających zmiany jest rozwijanie elektromobilności, która stanowi narzędzie mitygacji zmian klimatu.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Green Rail – Green Poland

Rail travel is the “most energy-efficient, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly transport service”1, an opinion shared by most experts, and global trends  as well as  political decisions (e.g. USD 2 trillion American Jobs Plan, from which USD 80 billion is to be allotted to an American rail carrier2) are an additional confirmation of that. The world is moving towards rail transport and rail itself meets the expectations, improving and investing in infrastructure (punctuality), rolling stock (comfort) and renewable energy sources (ecology). Yes, railway, like other means of transport, must change its power source, i.e. the fuel providing electricity to Polish trains.Rail travel is the “most energy-efficient, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly transport service” , an opinion shared by most experts, and global trends  as well as  political decisions (e.g. USD 2 trillion American Jobs Plan, from which USD 80 billion is to be allotted to an American rail carrier ) are an additional confirmation of that. The world is moving towards rail transport and rail itself meets the expectations, improving and investing in infrastructure (punctuality), rolling stock (comfort) and renewable energy sources (ecology). Yes, railway, like other means of transport, must change its power source, i.e. the fuel providing electricity to Polish trains. 

Data dodania: 12.05.2021 r.

Electromobility: an opportunity for the Polish economy

The advancing revolution in transportation is accompanied by the need to adapt the economy to a new model that is better suited to people's health and lives. It is both a challenge and a great opportunity. Electromobility means new jobs in the automotive and energy sectors and in the industries centered around them. It is also a chance to strengthen the image of Poland as an innovative country, friendly to modern technologies and green energy.

Data dodania: 02.09.2021 r.

Better to repair and recycle than to throw away

Electric vehicles have a positive impact on the environment, and their production and operation is moving towards a closed loop economy. Battery technology has advanced significantly in recent years and battery components are almost entirely recyclable.

Data dodania: 02.09.2021 r.

More electric vehicles mean less smog

"Modern urban agglomerations make it possible to exploit the potential of electromobility to a particularly large extent. It is no coincidence that smart city concepts are based, among other things, on adapting the existing infrastructure to electric transport. One of the greatest benefits of electric cars is their zero-emission nature, which can significantly contribute to the reduction of smog and improve the quality of life of residents," Agata Śmieja, president of the Clean Air Foundation and originator of the Togetair Climate Summit, has stressed. 

Data dodania: 02.09.2021 r.

EVs: hope for healthier cities

The problem of noise in urban areas has received increasing attention in recent years. This is largely contributed by transportation, which is dominated by internal combustion vehicles. In the largest Polish agglomerations, living next to a street and moving around on is not pleasant, and the constant noise load has a negative impact on the health of residents. Electric vehicles are the hope not only to improve air quality in cities, but also to reduce noise emissions.

Data dodania: 02.09.2021 r.