The energy of the future


What will power our homes, offices and factories in the coming years? How to rebuild the Polish energy sector to ensure a stable energy supply and at the same time reduce our carbon footprint? There are several ways to achieve this goal. The development of renewable energy sources is a chance for a civilization leap to the first league of countries with the most ecological solutions. The question is, to what extent will they be sufficient to meet the growing power demand? Perhaps the solution would be nuclear power plants, already included in the government's plans for the coming years? Will gas play the role of a transition fuel for transformation, replacing coal? There are many questions and the answers are ambiguous. And time for changes and reconstruction of the energy system - we have less and less.

List of articles

What if electricity, heat and water could be almost free? The NCBR wants to prove that it is possible. Part 1

At least several times less energy consumption, electric power from your own sources, heat generated when it is the cheapest, to store it for later, and the use of rainwater for all household needs – these are just some of the ways to radically cut down monthly bills. Thanks to the projects of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), implemented with support from the European Funds under the “Smart Growth” Program, almost cost-free and self-sufficient buildings of the future may soon become a Polish specialty. For the benefit not only of the wallets of Poles, but also of the climate and energy security of the country.

Data dodania: 19.05.2022 r.

What if electricity, heat and water could be almost free? The NCBR wants to prove that it is possible. Part 2

At least several times less energy consumption, electric power from your own sources, heat generated when it is the cheapest, to store it for later, and the use of rainwater for all household needs – these are just some of the ways to radically cut down monthly bills. Thanks to the projects of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), implemented with support from the European Funds under the “Smart Growth” Program, almost cost-free and self-sufficient buildings of the future may soon become a Polish specialty. For the benefit not only of the wallets of Poles, but also of the climate and energy security of the country.

Data dodania: 19.05.2022 r.

PEP2040: We have a compass, but the road to transformation is far

At the beginning of February, the Council of Ministers approved the Polish Energy Policy until 2040. Does the new strategy document mean a breakthrough for the development of Poland’s fuel and energy sector? Experts cool emotions and assess that the assumptions are not very ambitious, and the way to achieve them is often blurred. What is going to change, and how is it supposed to affect the climate, but also our living comfort and our wallets?

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

What instead of coal?

The dusk of coal – this term used in mining and generational understanding means that Polish power engineering will soon need tens of new gigawatts of power which will replace coal-fired power units that will be shut down. Energy Policy of Poland 2040 (PEP2040) will be responsible for the transformation plan of the Polish power engineering sector. According to this document, still non-approved, Polish electrical power engineering will be based mostly on renewable energy sources and nuclear energy.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Hydrogen will not go beyond the concept phase without support

A barrier to the broader use of hydrogen in Poland at present is the price and the technical conditions of its storage and transmission. It is necessary to provide an appropriate legal framework, that is, to develop and adopt a hydrogen law. It is necessary to develop hydrogen technologies with public funding (through subsidies, tax exemptions) and institutional support from the government, following the example of other countries that are leading the race today.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Nuclear energy in the Polish energy transition

One of the greatest challenges facing humanity is to halt disastrous climate change by reducing anthropogenic, or man-made, greenhouse gas emissions. In 2015, the European Union and 174 countries, including Poland, adopted the Paris Agreement at the United Nations conference, in which, in line with the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), they committed to limit the increase in the global average temperature below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial period and make efforts not to exceed 1.5°C.1

Data dodania: 13.04.2021 r.

European Green Order in practice. Innovative biogas plant one of the new projects of the National Research and Development Centre

In the last century, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily as a result of burning fossil fuels and deforestation, breaks new records. As a result, in the past decade, the temperature of the Earth's surface rose to its highest level in over 100,000 years. Continuation of the current trends in greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, threatens to destabilize the climate catastrophically, with serious social, economic and geopolitical consequences. Avoiding this scenario requires drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide.

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Are small modular reactors an opportunity for Poland?

The topic of small modular reactors (SMR) is frequently mentioned in debates about the Polish nuclear programme. Is the implementation of such units on the Vistula River justified?

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

The saving of energy and the „cosmic” technologies

The increasing demand for electricity, with the simultaneous social emphasis on the protection of the natural environment, impose on the electrical sector the change of approach to run activities. In practice, it means more and more scrupulous clearance of the CO2 emission norms and the increase of the costs of energy from fossil fuels. The conclusion is simple: We must save energy.

Data dodania: 14.04.2021 r.

SEnergy cooperatives - a method of effective use of renewable energy in rural areas

The Polish energy sector is currently struggling with many challenges resulting from the adopted EU energy and climate policy, as well as with the growing costs of energy production, related mainly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the costs of its transmission and distribution. The development of the so-called distributed energy is one of the possible solutions to the aforementioned problems. It would assume the share of end users both in energy production and its effective use thanks to the reduction of transmission and storage costs.

Data dodania: 18.04.2021 r.

Energy transformation - opportunities, challenges and prospects for PKN ORLEN

ORLEN is commonly associated with the supply of fuels for vehicle transportation. Therefore, the Polish giant has planned to adapt its activities to the broad changes that this sector will face on the path to climate neutrality.

Data dodania: 18.04.2021 r.

Hydrogen and RES as the fuel of ORLEN's future

PKN ORLEN, as the first energy company in the region of Central Europe, announced the achievement of climate neutrality and significant investments in the sector of low- and zero-emission sources. The planned investments will noticeably change the business profile of the entire ORLEN Group. The company in Płock is also expanding its potential in the field of hydrogen production and use.

Data dodania: 18.04.2021 r.

Refineries - the future and directions of development of the industry in the face of the challenges of the New Green Deal

The European Green Deal will be the most significant challenge and the greatest opportunity for the EU economy in the first half of the 21st century. Its main directions, i.e. climate neutrality, the preservation of biodiversity and the implementation of raw material closed loop mechanisms, make it necessary to reduce the environmental impact for those sectors that still predominantly use fossil fuels. Meeting its rigours and dynamics will be possible, thanks to the use of appropriate technologies and organizational methods.

Data dodania: 18.04.2021 r.

Photovoltaic Panels – the Leaders of Renewable Energy

Climate change is a fact. Seasonal disturbances, droughts, heavy rains, flooding, fires, exceptionally hot summers and other extreme weather phenomena. All this is contributed to by man-made pollution of the environment. This basically sums up today’s reality. However, one must remember we are able to exert material influence on the changing world, for instance, through our everyday behaviours and innovative, sophisticated technologies.

Data dodania: 18.04.2021 r.

Support for the development of photovoltaics in Poland 2020 witnessed an enormous increase in financing photovoltaics

The growing prices of electric energy and carbon dioxide emission costs, along with stricter EU regulations, create an impulse for the realisation of green investments. Photovoltaics became the fastest growing branch of the electric power generation sector in Poland. This resulted, among others, from the programmes Energia Plus (Energy Plus) and Mój Prąd (My Power), subsidies from regional operational programmes and the thermal modernisation allowance. 

Data dodania: 19.04.2021 r.

Offshore - the beginning of long and seminal water transport supporting local content in Poland

Offshore wind energy is creating extremely positive prospects for the Polish economy, including for the economic growth of shipyards and local communities. In order to take advantage of the emerging opportunities, effective actions and development projects are necessary.  These are being implemented by the Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.), which aims to introduce Polish offshore industry to wider waters.

Data dodania: 27.05.2021 r.

Certified sustainable biomass is available at scale - it could be the quiet hero of the Polish Energy Transition

The conversion of coal plants – CHP or power-only – to run on 100% sustainable biomass wood pellets has been a proven way to displace coal in climate leading countries such as Denmark and the United Kingdom. They’ve been able to overcome limited local supplies by buying pellets on long term contracts, in part, from the Southeast of the United States of America.  

Data dodania: 21.05.2021 r.

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